
UIKit code that is fun to write.

Getting Started

Basic Examples


SwiftUIKit is mainly based off of two functions, embed and stack. Embedding a view inside another view is exactly what we did in the first two examples. Now we can add another to the view, but then we have to manage the constraints for the subviews! An easy way to handle this is to use UIStackViews, so in SwiftUIKit there are VStack, HStack, and ZStack. UIStackViews manage the constraints for you and do just as the name suggests, stack views you give it in the order you give them.

Example Code

import UIKit
import SwiftUIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        Navigate.shared.configure(controller: navigationController)
            .set(title: "Hello SwiftUIKit")
            .setRight(barButton: BarButton {
                Button("Button 0") {
                    print("Tapped the barbutton")

        view.embed {
            SafeAreaView {
                List(defaultCellHeight: 60) {
                        Button("Say Hello") {
                            print("Hello World!")

                        HStack(withSpacing: 8) {



                                TextField(value: "SwiftUIKit",
                                      placeholder: "Some Name",
                                      keyboardType: .default)
                                    .inputHandler { print("New Name: \($0)") }

                        Label.callout("This is some callout text!"),

                        ZStack {
                                    .frame(height: 60, width: 60)
                                    .offset(x: 100)

                        NavButton(destination: {
                            UIViewController {
                                UIView(backgroundColor: .white) {
                                    LoadingImage(URL(string: "https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-oe2q4reh/images/stencil/2048x2048/products/832/1401/Beige_Pekingese_Puppy__21677.1568609759.jpg")!)
                        }, style: .push) {
                            Label("Go see a puppy")

                        Button("Show an Alert") {
                            Navigate.shared.alert(title: "Hello this is an Alert!",
                                                  message: "Just a test...",
                                                  secondsToPersist: 3)

                        Button("Show an Alert w/ cancel") {
                            Navigate.shared.alert(title: "Hello World",
                                                  message: "This is an alert",
                                                  withActions: [.cancel],
                                                  secondsToPersist: 3)

                        Button("Show a Toast Message") {
                            Navigate.shared.toast(style: .error, pinToTop: true, secondsToPersist: 4) {
                                Label("This is a test error message!")

Example View

Example SwiftUIKit

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